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AICTE sanctioned Idea Lab worth Rupees 1.1 Crore



IDEA (Idea Development, Evaluation & Application) Lab, is a nationwide initiative by AICTE, for encouraging students for application of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fundamentals towards enhanced hands-on experience, learning by doing and even by product visualization. As a common facility embedded in the institution, the IDEA Lab will make engineering graduates and faculty to be more imaginative and creative, besides getting basic training in the 21st century skills. In line with this initiative and celebrating Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, AICTE IDEA LAB at Amal Jyothi College of Engineering is organizing a 6 DAY FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME on SMART ENGINEERING APPROACHES during 16-21 January 2023.

The event includes sessions and hands on training on:

·         3D Modelling using Fusion 360

·         Concept of Reverse Engineering using 3D Scanner

·         Rapid Prototyping using 3D printing with specific thrust on Fused Deposition Modelling

·         Embedded Control Design Using Arduino

·         Exposure to other CNC tooling that can be used for product development like CNC Router and Laser Cutter / Engraver

The program will be mostly a Hands On Learning experience where participants will get the opportunity to work on relevant tooling that can be used for designing and developing a product.


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