Two day workshop on Human Powered Vehicle (HPV)

A two day workshop on Human Powered Vehicle (HPV) was conducted on 27 th April and 4 th May ,2019, by the team SATVAN, from Federal Institute Of Science And Technology. The workshop provided an overview about the HPV competition conducted by ASME during their three day long e-fest. It also provided the participants with key information on topics ranging from basic designing of a HPV to testing and analysis of its various parts. The first session of the workshop was conducted 0n 27 th April 2019.The session was started on 10.00 AM by Mr. Krishna Prakash who led Team SATVAN for the last three years during the competition. On the first day the team shared their experiences, the challenges they faced , how they overcame it and the basic outlay of the competition and a human powered vehicle. The experiences that the team shared filled the students with a lot of inspiration. A small session was conducted familiarizing the race events – ‘Enduran...