3-Day National Symposium on Modern Materials and manufacturing Techniques
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirappally (AJCE), organized 3-Day National Symposium on Modern Materials and manufacturing Techniques in association with Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE),The Institution of Engineers India (IEI) and Indian society for Technical Education Kerala Section from 9th to 11th January 2019. A total of 30 delegates registered for the symposium. The registered delegates comprised 20 faculty members from different engineering colleges including 3 delegates from outside the State and 10 delegates from AJCE. A total of more than 50 delegates attended different sessions held during three days. The symposium was inaugurated by Dr. M. Rijesh, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore during a function presided over by the Principal of the college, Dr. Z. V Lakaparampil in the presence of Assistant Manager Rev Fr.Benn...