Micro-EDM drilling Presented by: Mr. Mathew J Joseph, AP, ME Dept. Audience: Staff members, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Micro-EDM drilling Presented by: Mr. Mathew J Joseph , AP, ME Dept . Audience: Staff members, Department of Mechanical Engineering. Mr. Mathew J Joseph took a session on “ Micro EDM drilling ” based on his paper presented at the International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering at NIT Calicut . The contents of the discussion were the following: • Introduction to the concept of Micro-EDM in comparison with the conventional EDM processes and their advantages . • Tubular electrodes used in micro-EDM drilling • The main work discussed included the optimization of the process parameters in micro-EDM drilling for improving MRR (material removal rate) and minimizing Over- cut. • The entire experimental procedure and the obtained results were discussed and the analysis of the effect of the process parameters (voltage, capacitance, electrode feed rate and electrode rotation speed...