Online Interaction with Dr. Abhishek Khare With Selected Students from S2, S4 And S6 Mechanical Who Are Interested in The Design and Development of Aircraft Structures Online Platform: Google Meet Date: 14 th May 2023 Time: 11:30AM to 12:30PM. Google meet link: List of Participants Students Sidharth R (S6 ME-B), Rojin P John (S6 ME-B), Nibin Binu (S6 ME-B), Jose Anthony (S6 ME-B), Joel Sebastian (S6 ME-B), Joyal Joy (S6 ME-B), Abidh Habeeb (S6 ME-A), Abin K John (S6 ME-A), Rohan Kurian (S4 ME), Johan – (S4 ME), Ananthakrishnan V – (S4 ME), Sreeresh (S2-ME) Faculties Dr. Binu C Yeldhose, Dr. Jijo Jose and Mr. Meby Mathew An online meeting with Dr. Abhishek Khare, (Acting flight physics manager, Calidus LLC, U.A.E) with selected students from S4 and S6 Mechanical was held on 14 th May 2023 from 11:30AM to 12:30AM in google meet platform. Dr. Abhishek Khare is having 15 years of experience in aircraft design and develo...