Amal Jyothi College of Engineering students have completed making a solar car (automobile) for a competition organised by ISIE India. The name of the contest is ESVC 3000. Team consists of 40 members. The contest involves a rally From Great Noida to Agra, a distance of more than 350 KM must be travelled over the course of three days, with approximately three check points placed in the middle of each day's travel. A technical inspection will begin the first day, followed by the dynamic events, which will include a variety of tests (e.g., brake tests, loop tests, rain tests, etc.), and finally, the rally, which will take place over three days and begin from Galgotias University to the Agra Toll Plaza on Day 1. Day 2 will consist of journeys of each 162 kilometres in length, the same as day 1, from the Agra Toll Plaza to Galgotias University. From Galgotias University to Galgotias College, a distance of 13.5 kilometres, will mark the beginning of the three-day expedition. The b...